Dear Shaddock MMA Fitness Students & Parents:
At Shaddock Martial Arts, the health and safety of our students, families, and our team is always our #1 priority. In fact, it’s the whole reason we’re here! Shaddock MMA's plan is to continue classes as scheduled, but are taking precautions to protect our students and families. Our students and families depend on us to help them accomplish their personal, physical, and mental goals, and we’re dedicated to honoring that mutual commitment.
We are taking a rational, well-informed approach, and follow the guidance of medical experts and the CDC. We want our students, families, and team members to feel and be safe, be on routine, continue to build a strong, healthy body and immune system, keep up progress with their ranks and training, and for their lives to be as undisturbed as possible during this stressful time.
We’ll be communicating frequently with our students, families, and staff by email, SMS/text messaging, phone calls, and updates on our website to keep you informed about the status of classes, so please keep an eye out for our messages.
We continuously monitor the situation closely, and inform you of any changes, please feel free to contact us if questions. We’re so grateful for your continued support of our school and our mission to create a better world, one Martial Artist at a time.
-Coach Shaddock

Shaddock MMA's Covid-19 Efforts Include:
-Our school is professionally cleaned, with surfaces disinfected each day.
-Disinfectant cleaning of the mats after each class
-Disinfectant wipe down of all doors and door handles, chairs, counter tops, shoe cubbies, and other commonly touched surfaces after each class.
-Disinfecting training equipment after each class
-Disinfectant cleaning of all surfaces and fixtures in the restrooms between each class
-Hand sanitizers stationed at the front counter and in the restroom
-All staff, students will be checked for fever with a sanitized temporal thermometer, and if symptomatic, will be asked to go home
-All staff, students will be required to sanitize hands when entering the school
-All students must enter through the back door and leave through the front door to avoid contact with the incoming student. Have children dress prior to and cannot come in the gym early they must remain in the car till class time to avoid contact with out- going students.
If you have flu-like symptoms, stay home, and call your doctor.

Limiting Close Contact in Classes
We’ll be limiting close personal contact in many ways for the next few weeks. As we always do, we’ll greet with a courteous bow instead of handshakes, we’ll use air high-fives, thumbs up, and other non-contact motivational tools to let you know what you’re doing well.
Instructors will limit physical contact with students when correcting technique, and we’ll be limiting student-to-student contact as well. For example, we’ll conduct “distance” sparring and one-steps instead of making contact, teaching longer-range self-defense techniques, and temporarily eliminating grappling.
But, fear not, classes will be as exciting and high energy as ever!
Potential Attendance Interruptions
Following the CDC’s guidance, we ask that if you or anyone in your household are showing flu-like symptoms, have a fever, or feel ill, stay home. In the event that any student has to miss class(es), we’ll happily provide extra make-up classes, private lessons, and/or extra training opportunities (with more to be announced) to make up any lost classes or time. We’re here to help you achieve your goals, and will go above and beyond to help you get back on track after any absence or school closure.
If you have flu-like symptoms, stay home, and call your doctor.

We strongly recommend (in part, per the CDC’s guidelines):
-Only attend class if you are feeling well and show no signs of illness
-Only attend class in a washed, clean uniform
-Clean your gear after each class following the manufacturer’s recommendations
-Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
-If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouthwith unwashed hands
-Cover nose and mouth with the inside of your elbow when coughing or sneezing
-Clean and disinfect surfaces and touch points in your home often (daily)
-Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms
We recommend focusing on reliable sources of information on this topic:
The Centers for Disease Control -
The World Health Organization –
If you have flu-like symptoms, stay home, and call your doctor.