Bullyproof Your Child

The best defense for bullying is a confident child

Martial arts is based in self-control and discipline.  Shaddock MMA Instructors work hard to keep your child focused on the task at hand.

Bullies tend to attack easy prey. A confident child is less likely to become prey to a bully.  

Also, learning each specific martial arts move one after another leads to better control and focus in life and the classroom.   

Learn the benefits of learning a martial arts against bullying: 

Your child can become socially confident by developing a sense of personal achievement.

Your child can project a feeling of strength and confidence making them less of a target for bullies. 

Your child will learn which types of behavior are acceptable and which are not.

Your child gains focus on a positive experience and can learn defense mechanisms in case of an attack by a bully.

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kids martial arts classes nearby

Kid's Martial Arts Classes

Martial arts can help in the prevention of  bullying by teaching them discipline to manage their own behavior in such a way that it does not in any provoke or trigger a bully.

A warning sign of a child being bullied can be a child with a poor self-image.  Being bullied can ruin any child’s self-esteem and create a low self-image and loss of self-worth.

By enrolling your child in a Martial arts program can help stop bullying by showing your child how to get others to respect them, they first learning to respect themselves.  Learn more about bullying.

Coach John Shaddock

Coach John Shaddock has been a leader in the community in teaching Martial Arts to all ages for over 25 years.  His students have gone on to build their strength, self-confidence and discipline to be good people in the community.

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