Boxing and Fitness
Boxing is considered cardio fitness. With just a few jabs and kicks a person’s heart rate can already start to heighten. Boxers even spend time jogging and training to improve their overall health and get in peak shape for matches. Follow a boxer’s routine and you’ll be in shape in no time, with a strong and healthy heart to match. Although the arms and legs get the most use during a boxing or kickboxing routine, the core develops into something stronger and leaner as well. Boxers have to remain balanced and stable as they follow through with their moves, and a strong core helps with this. Many professional or aspiring boxers use planks and crunches in an effort to develop their cores and help them stay in shape for training and matches. Even something as simple as punching a punching bag repeatedly can greatly reduce stress. It helps people get out their frustrations in a safe and healthy way instead of taking out that aggression elsewhere. De-stressing is beneficial to the body because it eases the aches that often come with tension from stress. Contact us to get started or look at all of Shaddock's Adult Classes!