Collaboration with American Sports & Fitness Association

Elevate Your Fitness Career with ASFA Certifications Your Ultimate Online Resource for Fitness Professionals Budget-friendly certifications from basic to master level Trusted by thousands of fitness professionals worldwide. Endorsed by top fitness and insurance industry leaders Check out ASFA Why Choose ASFA? ASFA’s motto says it all: “ASFA – The…

Shaddock MMA Seminar with Noel Smith: Techniques & Belt Promotions

At the recent seminar hosted by Shaddock MMA, participants were treated to an enriching experience led by guest coach Noel Smith, a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. The event, held at Shaddock MMA’s gym in Eldersburg, MD, showcased Smith’s extensive expertise, garnered over 25 years of training…

Shaddock MMA Collaboration with Elite Sports

Revolutionizing Sportswear: Elite Sports and Born Tough Partner to Elevate Your MMA Experience Go Pro with Gis, MMA Shorts and more with Elite Sports  Experience the pinnacle of comfort and style with Elite Sports’ premium BJJ gis and MMA shorts Embrace the future of sportswear with Born Tough’s innovative designs…

MMA Fighters Retreat! Book Your MMA Retreat Today!

Get ready for an extraordinary experience that will push your boundaries both physically and mentally. Picture this: Living and training alongside Cory Sandhagen, Tim Welch, or Liam Harrison at our awe-inspiring Colombian mega villa. This retreat is designed to unlock your full potential, with special guests in Yoga, Strength &…

Discover What’s Holding You Back From Feeling And Looking 10x!

44% OF THE WORLD’S POPULATION HAS THIS GENETIC MUTATION. Are you ready to find out the truth about your body? This could be your chance to uncover what’s really going on inside. Get Genetic Testing Now! Common Symptoms Of Nutrient Deficiencies If you are concerned with any of the symptoms…
ddp yoga at shaddock mma

NEW Classes NOW – DDP Yoga- Get Stronger!

Enhance Your Martial Arts Journey with DDP Yoga at Shaddock MMA Fitness Classes NOW – Check Our SCHEDULE HERE  Elevate your journey with DDP Yoga at Shaddock MMA Fitness Develop flexibility, strength, and focus for advanced techniques Experience this fusion in Fall 2023 – join us on this exciting journey…